Curious of mind, quick with a keyboard and steeped in B2B marketing expertise, we bend digital tech to marketing objectives.

Drive demand for your IT Solutions.

We’re a full service B2B marketing agency, specialising in IT.

At Demand Junction, our sole focus is on marketing tailored for B2B tech companies. Whether it's hardware, software or cloud solutions, we  enhance your ability to attract prospects, generate demand, nurture leads, and ultimately secure new customers. 

We excel at executing co-branded marketing campaigns across the channel; amplifying your reach through digital marketing, lead generation, events and advertising.

Why outsource your marketing?

  1. Your marketing is an after-thought
  2. Your marketing is expensive
  3. You lack the in-house expertise and technology
  4. Your sales are stagnating

Let's Talk

We Know IT

We’re  skilled in securing co-op funding from vendors, with captivating campaigns that drive sales and revenue, and a seamless claims process that takes your marketing budget to the next level.

Put simply, we know how to do IT marketing that works.

Having spent well over a decade marketing for leading IT companies (from IT vendors to partners, value-added resellers and distributors), we know what it takes to:

  • Architect an impactful IT Marketing campaign
  • Create crystal clear messaging that hits your target audience
  • Optimise your campaign for maximum ROI
  • Generate quality leads so. you can get more out of your high-cost sales reps.

Need to increase bandwidth in your current marketing team?

Want to tap into IT marketing expertise?

Ready to hire a marketing team but don’t have the budget for permanent staff?

Demand Junction: Your outsourced marketing department

As your virtual marketing team, we’ll be the Rick to your roll – broadcasting the value of your IT products and services to customers while you stay laser focussed on innovation and ingenuity.

Through Marketing as a Managed Service, you get access to our entire brains trust of IT marketing experts…all for the price of 1!

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